Meet Al.......

Meet Bleu......

These two are a pair.....and yeah, they "talk" to each other...seriously.

This all takes place in Watertown CT

Al is a recent retiree who l-o-v-e-s to go fishing.

And Bleu....well....he's a Blue Heron who loves to go fishing too!

On some days they spend hours together watching for fish.

Actualy we don't think Bleu knows Al's name. But if he did, it would probably be....

.......something along the lines of "Candy Man." That's because Bleu knows that.......

.......Al always throws the fish he catches back into the water.

And Al knows that Blue Herons only eat live things like small fish, etc.

No surprise, Al and Bleu have an understanding. They look for each other every day.

And they actually communicate with each other. Al talks in English and Bleu grunts.

Within 30 minutes of daddy's arrival - Bleu comes in for a landing and immediately .......

.......starts pacing back and forth. He knows the Candy Man will soon giveth sustenance.

Meanwhile, there's a lot of talking and grunting going on between these two.

Most days are really good for catching fish, like 15 or more. But today is slow.

Meanwhile, Bleu is trying to not to show that he is very hungry.

Hang in there Bleu...it's probably going to happen soon.

Wait Bleu...I just thought of something. What if I try a different lure?

Keep the faith Bleu, Daddy will come through. Can you wait just a little longer?

Hey Al, I have an idea too. If I stand on your left side instead of on your right, maybe our luck will change?

Al...do you mind if I grunt the Jeopardy theme?

No, I don't mind, but I didn't think Blue Herons could do that.

Bleu, wait....let's switch to a different kind of bait and see what happens.

Bleu, I hope you appreciate that I'm getting a sunburn because of you.

(Skip the missed photographs - yikes!) Bleu...wait...wait...I just caught a fish! And here it is !

Thaaaank you sooooo much Daddy ! You really did come through !

I love it when the fish flop around inside my bill. Usually I have to spear them in the water with my beak.

Okay Bleu...Daddy came through just like he said he would.

Thanks Mr. Terry for doing this photo essay of Bleu and me. I think Bleu appreciates it too.

Right Blue? Can you give Mr. Terry a little grunt to let him know that you're happy he took photos of us.