Perspective in photography is the the sense of depth or spatial (3D) relationships between objects.

Toggle back and forth btw these first two photos. Taken from same exact spot.

Again, from the same exact spot, except pivoting away from the classroom windows.

Taken while standing on the stage. Memorial Boulevard School was closed in 2012.

Same theater - what a mouse might see if it went for a walk...but of course!

Just after an August thunderstorm.

You can almost hear the voices after the victories and losses.

How many English compositions / poems could this photo give rise to?

As you would guess, this gallery could go on forever.

......but by now.......

.......you've gotten the point.
If you'd like to watch a fast-paced photo / musical montage which is almost pure Perspective, you are invited to do so here. It's 13 minutes and all of the photos were taken of this (same) soon-to-be reconstructed school. It will open in late 2022 and it will be a truly restored treasure.

Railroad Museum of New England - Thomaston, CT - getting ready for one of their Autumn Foliage rides.

Boxcar waiting to be restored. The RMNE has - GOT - to be one of the best.

Highlight and shadow (giving a sense of depth) courtesy of the sun.

These photos are not part of the Railroad Museum. They are modern-day train cars.

ummm...I like trains...can you tell?