On a bitter cold late February day. 37 degrees (F) and wind gusts up to 40 mph.

The Aquinnah (and Federally protected) clay cliffs. How's 500,000 years of erosion sound?
Martha's Vineyard - a destination unto itself

Bristol (CT) High School (1921). Newly renovated as the Bristol Arts and Innovation Magnet School (BAIMS) in 2022. First graduating class in June 2023. Thank you (former) Mayor Ellen Zappo-Sassu (among others).
Buildings and Interiors - Business / Commercial / Historical - continued - my largest and longest photo project (ever) - three years - (4 architectural awards thus far) !
Historical / Cultural - Hill-Stead Museum - Farmington, CT Historical / Cultural - Railroad Museum of New England - Thomaston, CT
Official Photographer of Little League International - Eastern States Region (12 states) - Bristol, CT